Good writing is clear thinking made visible. That is really all there is to understanding writing. But to learn to write well, the craft must be practiced, practiced again, and then practiced some more. Note-taking, letter writing, Progymnasmata, and short essays are all fundamental writing exercises that help students develop good writing skills. Note-taking is a skill that exercises the listening muscles and requires the student to practice categorizing, prioritizing, and connecting ideas effectively. The …
Author: Scott Postma
Reading is using one’s eyes to listen. And like listening, it is a skill that must be cultivated and which also has many potential distractors (e.g., social media, electronic devices, a bustling household, etc.). Tools abound that can be profitable for teaching students to read well—Mortimer J. Adler’s time-tested work, How to Read a Book, is a good example of such tools—but nothing quite teaches a student to read better than experiencing the delight of …
Listening is not hearing. It is more than that. Listening is the skill of hearing, comprehending, and properly categorizing what the teacher is teaching for effective recall. It is a skill that students must consistently and intentionally cultivate to be successful learners. Teachers can help, however. Teachers can cultivate listening skills in their students in the following ways. Attention Gain or earn the students’ attention by deportment, kindness, and by grabbing the students’ attention with …
Recall that students will not learn what they do not love. This is one reason the fundamental aspect of education is the proper ordering of the students’ loves. And, a love for one’s subject matter is quite possibly the most challenging task for a teacher because all the commercialized world is clamoring for the students’ affections. The internet, video games, consumer products, acceptance amongst peers, affection from the opposite sex, and influential family members who’s …
Students will not learn what they do not love. New knowledge must be built on previous knowledge. Particulars are much better comprehended in view of the bigger picture. Knowledge is best conceived when it is personally ordered and processed (understanding) and then applied (wisdom). Learning is a skill that can be taught. While these tips may, at first glance, seem obvious, try running your lesson plan through the checklist with each student in mind to …
The potential obstacles to education are numerous, but these four should be easy enough to recognize and avoid that most every teacher should be innocent of them. Coercive Learning The wisdom of recognizing that you can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink is so remarkable it has become cliché. But so is the response that you can surely salt his oats. Perhaps few initiatives have been more damaging to real education …